Part 8: Unexpected Consequences
Update 8: Unexpected Consequences
So our first order of business is to find a helpful flashback that we can work with. In order to qualify, it must be: a) related to Chronos, and b) before the accident. There's only one that fits the bill.
Flashback: No Argument posted:
Ethan: (Where Ashley and Emily DIDN'T get into an argument...)
Ethan: (Emily's accident was last night, after the cafe closed... So if I open a Hole at the time of this flashback, I might be able to prevent it.)
The naming error is in the game's text, not mine. But we're missing one piece to do work with that Hole. That's the time. So we need to find someone who'd know about the time for that.
The two we're looking for are outside the Library. According to its description, it's also a popular meeting place.

I'm pretty sure this is the only spot these portraits are used, making this a minor hassle.
*Conversation: Ashley/Emily*

Now, I would be remiss if I went without mentioning a feature that could make your life easier (that I totally didn't realize existed until I checked for the sake of this LP). If you talk to Emily/Ashley again...

*Conversation: Ashley*

*Conversation: Ashley, reprise*

*Conversation: Emily*

It's so accurate, in fact, that it can tell you where the Hole you need to open is. I'm not sure how long this lasts, but while it's available it's a pretty nice feature that you can take advantage of.
So, armed with our new information, we fix up the flashback and move on to the Hole location near Chronos.
Flashback: No Argument posted:
Ethan: (If I do something at this time, I might just be able to save Olivia...)


While we're poking around, we make a bit of a mistake.


Emily's Glasses posted:
Let's try that again.

Ethan: (This is Olivia's bicycle, I'm sure of it. ...Huh?)

Ethan: (A nice clean cut too. This was no accident. If it was just a prank, it's a pretty lousy one!)
Ethan: (What should I do? I can't fix the brakes. I've got to find another way to keep her off this bike... I shouldn't damage it more just because I don't want her to ride it again...)

It's even got a
Ethan: (Hey, I know...I'll just pocket the key. If I've headed off the accident, I should be all set.)

Bicycle Key posted:
And then all that's left is to close the Hole.

And we're all fine and dand-

Hrm. That didn't look quite right.

{Soundtrack: Silence}

*Town Map*
Ethan: (I can't believe I actually caused a DIFFERENT accident...! ...I have to make sure this one never happened too.)
Flashback: No Argument (No glasses version) posted:
Flashback: Truck in Alley posted:
Flashback: Dog Accident posted:
So now we also have a new choice to make: what should we do with Emily's glasses? Return them, or hold onto them?
This vote will remain open a little longer than the last - probably a bit into the next chapter.